Specialist Family Law Firm in Melbourne

Family law is a broad area of law. The Westminster Lawyers team has the requisite expertise and experience across all aspects.
We’re a full-service family law firm in Melbourne, with five of our lawyers Accredited Specialists in Family Law. We offer multiple services to ensure that any ancillary issues arising from your family law or relationship matter can be handled by our team. Although our family lawyers are experienced in litigation, we have a commitment to avoid court proceedings where it is in our clients’ best interest to do so.
To discuss your individual circumstances, please contact one of our family lawyers in Melbourne today.

Family Mediation in Melbourne
Mediation is a simple and comparatively inexpensive form of alternative dispute resolution. The object of mediation is to assist disputing parties to focus on their problems, constructively discuss options for resolution and, if possible, agree upon a solution. Even where matters are the subject of Court proceedings, parties are often referred to a mediator for the purpose of exploring settlement options.
Our two Directors, Julian McDonald and Tony Salce, are accredited AIFLAM mediators and regularly assist parties to mediate their disputes without the need for Court proceedings. Our Melbourne family mediation services are also available to parties who wish to mediate without being represented by their own lawyers.

Family Violence Lawyer
Family violence is considered a fundamental violation of human rights by Victorian law. It is a serious matter and quality legal representation is important. Our team of lawyers at Westminsters can help you understand the requirements of every step of your case and assist you in reaching an outcome that protects your safety. If you’ve been charged with family violence, you need immediate help.
The scope of what constitutes family violence is wide and you need an experienced family violence lawyer in Melbourne to help you through the process. You can speak with us today to learn more, with the confidence that your issue will be met with sensitivity. There are also many community organisations you can contact for help if you’re experiencing family violence.
Contact us today
The Westminster Lawyers team are dedicated to achieving the best possible outcome for you and your family. We possess the experience to offer practical solutions for the most complicated of disputes. We understand that no two cases are the same, which is why we always take the time to understand the intricacies of each matter. Whether you need advice on your separation or require assistance with mediation, we’re here to help you.

Melbourne Office
Level 4, 466 – 468 Little Lonsdale St,
Melbourne 3000
(Lift entry via Brights Place)