Westminster Lawyers is a full service family law firm.

This means that we offer multiple services to ensure that any ancillary issues arising from your family law/relationship matter can be handled by our team of experts.
This includes Will making and Mediation.

Family Law
Family law is a broad area of law. As a firm that specialises in Family Law, our team has the requisite expertise and experience across all aspects, including:
- De facto and same-sex law
- IVF legal issues
- Domestic and international surrogacy arrangements
- Adoption
- Domestic violence, family violence and intervention orders
- Restraining orders
- Collaborative law
- Caveats
- Conveyancing needs arising out of the commencement or breakdown of a relationship
- Will making
To find out more, please see our Frequently Asked Questions and Knowledge Base.

Our Directors, Julian McDonald and Tony Salce are accredited AIFLAM mediators and regularly assist parties to mediate their disputes without the need for Court proceedings. Our services are also available to parties who wish to mediate without being represented by their own lawyers.
Mediation is a simple and comparatively inexpensive form of alternative dispute resolution. Even where matters are the subject of Court proceedings, parties are often referred to a mediator for the purpose of exploring settlement options.
The object of mediation is to assist disputing parties to focus on their problems, constructively discuss options for resolution and, if possible, agree upon a solution.